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工作对比: 重返工作岗位中过渡性职责的类型


当员工遭遇职业病或工伤时, their eventual return to the workplace can create considerable challenges, putting significant stress on both the individual and their employer. 不过, return-to-work (RTW) programs can help alleviate these concerns by supporting staff as they reintegrate into the workforce. These programs may entail having an injured employee return to work with shortened hours, lighter workloads or different tasks (also known as transitional duties) as they continue to recover from their occupational ailment.

RTW项目提供了几个好处, allowing employers to keep their workers’ compensation costs under control and giving injured employees the opportunity to resume working even when they aren’t ready to take on their original job duties. 反过来, 这样的项目可以让雇主限制员工流动率, 保持生产力, 鼓舞士气,降低诉讼风险, 同时帮助受伤的员工保留他们的工作技能, 维护职场关系, minimize financial challenges and keep a healthier mindset during the recovery process. 为了使RTW计划成功, it’s important for employers to determine appropriate types of transitional duties for injured employees. 毕竟, employees’ capabilities will vary based on their particular occupational ailments and associated recovery needs. If injured employees are assigned inadequate duties—whether overly demanding or potentially demeaning— they will be less likely to experience the full benefits of RTW programs.

In general, transitional duties can be divided into two main categories: alternative and modified. This article provides more information on different types of transitional duties and highlights situations where these tasks are most suitable.


This category pertains to an injured employee being temporarily placed into an existing position within their organization, albeit one that’s less physically demanding than their original role. 替代职责的例子包括:

  • 文书工作-这可能需要接听电话和电子邮件, 填写工作场所文件, 复制, 给信件和包裹写地址, 订购库存和整理用品.
  • 安全任务-这些职责可能涉及培训新员工, updating safety resources and records to ensure compliance with applicable requirements (e.g., OSHA标准), 进行现场检查和分析, and acting as a spotter while other workers perform more high-risk tasks.
  • 维护任务-这可能需要做一些简单的家务, 检查车间车辆和设备是否存在问题, 并根据需要修理损坏的部件.

Alternative duties generally make the most sense for employees whose original roles involved more strenuous activities and manual labor (e.g.、起重及物料搬运). Thus, these workers are better suited to office work and administrative tasks during recovery.


This category refers to an injured employee resuming their original job role, only with certain elements of the position removed or otherwise adjusted to comply with the worker’s current physical limitations.

例如, a warehouse employee recovering from an occupational back strain or shoulder sprain may be permitted to perform the majority of their job duties (e.g., taking inventory and moving boxes) but with slight alterations to specific tasks (e.g., only lifting boxes under 30 pounds or reaching for inventory at eye level).

另一方面, this category may simply involve an injured employee returning to their original position but with a shortened workday. 例如, a manufacturing employee recovering from a minor occupational hand injury may work four-hour shifts on the production line instead of their usual eight-hour shifts until their hand is fully healed.

在某些情况下, an injured employee may be able to supplement their modified duties with alternative duties to complete a full workday. 在前面的例子中, the manufacturing employee could work four hours on the production line and then complete administrative tasks for the remainder of the workday to fulfill an entire shift.

Modified duties are often most fitting for employees with occupational ailments that limit their ability to handle the physical demands of a full workday or those who could be more prone to reinjury if they overexert themselves.


环球旅行计划是任何工作场所的重要组成部分, 为雇主和雇员提供各种福利. By identifying appropriate transitional duties within these programs and assigning injured workers personalized and purposeful tasks, employers can minimize the fallout from occupational ailments and cultivate a supportive work environment for their staff.  

This 工作对比 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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