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11月. 22,2023年,OSHA提供了一个 安全与健康信息子弹in (SHIB)有关在工作地点使用安全帽的规定. The SHIB provides the key differences between safety helmets and traditional hard hats. SHIB还描述了设计上的进步, 材料, 以及有助于保护工人整个头部的保护功能.

SHIB提供了正确检查和储存头部保护的说明, 无论是安全帽还是传统的安全帽. With a thorough understanding of the benefits and capabilities of head protection options, 雇主和工人可以在知情的情况下决定使用哪种方法.

该SHIB不是标准或法规,也不会产生新的法律义务. SHIB在本质上是咨询性的,在内容上是信息性的, 它的目的是帮助雇主提供一个安全和健康的工作场所.


The significance of head protection in hazardous work environments cannot be overstated. For decades, traditional hard hats have been the go-to choice for protecting workers’ heads. 由高密度聚乙烯等刚性材料制成, 传统的安全帽提供基本的保护. 然而, 随着技术和科学对头部损伤的理解不断进步, safety helmets now provide further improvements to enhance worker safety and reduce the risk of severe head trauma.

One of the differences between traditional hard hats and safety helmets lies in their construction 材料. 而安全帽是由硬塑料制成的, 安全帽由多种材料组成, 包括轻质复合材料, 玻璃纤维和高级热塑性塑料. These 材料 not only enhance impact resistance but also reduce the overall weight of the helmet, 减少颈部疲劳,提高长时间使用时的舒适度. 除了, 所有的安全帽都有下巴带, 正确佩戴时, 在发生滑倒时保持安全帽的位置, 绊倒或跌倒.

此外, safety helmets can incorporate an array of additional features designed to address specific workplace risks. 许多型号包括附加的面罩或护目镜,以防止投射物, 灰尘和化学物质飞溅. They may also have built-in hearing protection and communication systems to facilitate clear communication in noisy environments, 使员工保持联系和安全. 然而, head protection with integrated technology may not be suitable for some workplaces.

Employers should evaluate workplace hazards to determine the most appropriate head protection for each situation. 如果工作中需要头部保护, employers should consider investing in better head protection with safety helmets to better protect their workers. 根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据,在2020年,头部受伤的人数占美国总人数的5%.8%的非致命职业伤害与旷工有关.


雇主必须在他们的工作场所进行危害评估, 基于工作场所的危害, 确定是否需要头部保护. 当需要头部保护时, employers should consider using safety helmets instead of traditional hard hats so that employees are best protected against occupational head injuries. 


  • 建筑工地:建筑工地, 尤其是那些有高空坠物和碎片危险的地方, 设备的影响, 或滑倒, 绊倒和跌倒, safety helmets have enhanced impact resistance and additional features that offer superior protection compared to the components and construction of traditional hard hats.
  • 石油天然气工业:在这些领域, 工人面临多重危险的地方, 包括潜在的化学物质暴露和严重影响, 带有附加功能的安全帽可以提供全面的保护.
  • 高空作业用于需要在高处工作的任务或工作, safety helmets offer protection of the entire head and include features that prevent the safety helmet from falling off.
  • 电气工程:用于涉及电气工作或接近电气危险的任务, safety helmets with nonconductive 材料 (Class G and Class E) provide protection to prevent electrical shocks. 然而,一些传统的安全帽也提供电气保护.
  • 高温的环境在高温或有熔融材料暴露的地方, safety helmets with advanced heat-resistant properties can provide additional protection to workers.
  • 专业化的工作环境:需要综合面罩的工作, hearing protection or communication devices benefit from safety helmets designed with these features or the ability to add them.
  • 特定的法规要求:法规或行业标准要求佩戴安全帽的地方, 雇主必须遵守这些规定,以确保工人安全合规.
  • 低风险的环境:即使在没有头顶危险的环境中, 安全帽将提供全面的保护, 特别是如果风险可能变得更严重.


Properly storing head protection is crucial to maintain its structural integrity and prevent damage, 确保它在需要时有效地发挥作用. 检查头部保护, 比如安全帽, 每次使用前有助于识别磨损迹象, 损坏或过期, ensuring that they are in optimal condition and can provide the necessary protection to reduce the likelihood of head injuries. Employees should always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for care, use and storage. The following are additional recommendations on how employees can properly care for head protection:

  • 储存前进行保养. 每次使用后, 员工应该用温和的肥皂和水清洁头部保护的外部. 他们应该确保没有污垢, 可能破坏头部保护结构完整性的碎片或化学物质. 一旦清洗干净,头部保护应在阴凉干燥的地方风干. 头部保护应避免暴露在阳光直射下, 储存过程中的极端温度或腐蚀性物质. 员工不应该把护头放在车里, 可能暴露在极端温度下的地方.
  • 检查壳体和悬挂系统. 在使用头部保护之前, 员工应仔细检查外壳是否有裂缝, 凹痕或其他损坏的迹象. 他们的手指应该在表面运行,以检查任何不规则. 类似的, 悬挂系统(头带和下巴带)必须检查是否磨损, 确保它牢固地附着在外壳上,没有任何损坏的迹象.
  • 检查标签和认证标志. 员工必须寻找头部保护内部的标签和认证标志. These indicate that the head protection meets the necessary safety standards and requirements. 员工应检查标签是否清晰,是否被篡改.
  • 验证生产日期. The date of manufacture must be located on the head protection, typically imprinted on the inside. Head protection has a limited lifespan and using expired head protection may compromise its protective capabilities. Employees should refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended lifespan of their specific head protection model.
  • 检查附件和附件. 如果员工的头部保护有额外的配件或附件, 比如面罩, 护目镜或耳罩, 他们应该检查是否有损坏或磨损的迹象. Employees should make sure any attachments are securely fastened to the head protection and functioning correctly.
  • 检查是否合适. 在员工使用头部保护之前, 他们应该确保头盔舒适、安全地戴在头上. They should adjust the suspension system to achieve a snug fit without excessive pressure points. 头部保护不应太松或太紧.
  • 评估损坏或松动的部件. 戴着护头, employees should gently shake their heads to check for any loose or rattling components. 如果员工发现任何异常或怀疑任何损坏的部件, they should refrain from using the head protection and have it inspected by a qualified person.
  • 检查内部缓冲. Some head protection features additional cushioning or padding inside for extra comfort and impact absorption. 员工应检查内部衬垫是否磨损或受压. 如果它有恶化的迹象, 员工应与制造商联系以获得更换选项.
  • 评估先前的撞击损伤. If an employee’s head protection has experienced an impact or been subjected to a significant force, 它应该立即退役, 即使没有明显的损伤. Head protection is designed for single-use impact protection and may not retain its full effectiveness after an incident.
  • 记录. 雇主应让雇员保存每次检查的记录, 注意日期, 任何发现和采取的行动. Regularly document the date of purchase and any relevant information about the head protection to track its lifespan accurately. 建议所有个人防护装备都这样做.

根据《美高美集团4688》, employers must comply with hazard-specific safety and health standards and regulations promulgated by OSHA or by a state with an OSHA-approved State Plan.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be exhaustive, 任何讨论或意见也不应被解释为专业建议. ©2023 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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