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Responding to the EEOC’s Increased Focus on Mental Health Discrimination

As society’s understanding of mental health continues to grow, 政府也承认并努力保护处于这种状况的工人. Workers who have a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression, 在工作中是否经常受到歧视和骚扰. 他们也可能有工作场所的隐私权和获得合理便利的合法权利,以帮助他们履行工作的基本职能.

The U.S. 平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)执行《梅高美集团4858》(ADA), a federal law that protects individuals with disabilities. 在大多数情况下,被诊断出精神健康状况的个人受《美高美集团4688》的保护.

This article highlights mental health conditions, 概述了平等就业机会委员会的执行计划,并为雇主提供了遵守《美高美集团4688》的指导.

Mental Health and the ADA

The ADA only applies to employers with 15 or more employees. 法律将“残疾”定义为严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的身体或精神损伤. 当合格的求职者或雇员有符合这些标准的心理健康状况时, they have workplace rights under the ADA. 2008年的《梅高美集团4858》扩大了残疾的定义,为更多的残疾人提供法律保护,使其免受就业歧视, including people with psychiatric disabilities. “Psychiatric disability” and “mental illness” are often used interchangeably. “精神疾病”一词通常用于医学语境,指的是广泛的情绪和精神健康状况. In contrast, “精神残疾”通常用于法律或政策语境中,指的是《美高美集团4688》所涵盖的缺陷

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about 18% of U.S. workers have a mental health condition in any given month. 这意味着精神残疾是《美高美集团4688》所涵盖的最常见的残疾类型之一. Since mental health conditions can substantially limit brain function, 患有此类疾病的个人通常会被确定为ada覆盖的残疾. The following mental health conditions may qualify under the ADA:

·         Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

·         Bipolar disorder

·         Schizophrenia

·         Generalized anxiety disorder

·         Major depression

·         Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

·         Panic disorders

·         Personality disorders

·         Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


·         Allowing the employee to telework

·         Allowing more frequent breaks

·         Alternating supervisor methods (e.g., 提供书面指示,并提供更频繁或不同的任务和截止日期提醒)

·         Changing the employee’s work schedule

·         Changing the employee’s work location (e.g.(比如搬到一个更安静的地方,或者允许使用白噪音机或耳机)

·         Reassigning to a vacant position

·根据《梅高美集团4858》允许休假, state law or company policy

EEOC Enforcement Plans

In fiscal year (FY) 2021, 在所有与《美高美集团4688》相关的平等就业机会委员会提起的指控中,员工对基于精神健康状况的非法歧视的指控约占30%. That figure significantly increased from the 20% reported in FY 2010. Anxiety and PTSD are the leading conditions contributing to this trend.

The EEOC recently released its strategic enforcement plan (SEP) for FYs 2024-28, emphasizing a greater focus on discrimination against vulnerable populations, including employees with mental health disorders. 该计划旨在集中和协调该机构的工作,以可持续地促进平等就业机会.

Employer Guidance

支持员工对抗心理健康问题不仅是出于合规的原因. While organizations seek to avoid liability under the ADA, 支持和指导有助于为有精神健康问题的员工营造一个包容的环境.


·         Monitor EEOC compliance. 组织应该及时了解所有平等就业机会委员会的更新,并在做出任何工作场所的改变之前咨询当地的法律顾问. 雇主可以在截止日期前设置日历提醒,并定期开会审查是否遵守平等就业机会委员会的指导,从而积极主动地履行合规责任.

·         Review workplace policies. 各种工作场所政策都有可能产生歧视索赔. Employers can review and assess policies such as background-check practices, pre- and post-hire personality or behavioral tests, inequitable leave policies and unnecessary physical requirements.

·         Review compensation practices. When reviewing their compensation practices, 组织可能会发现基于某些受保护特征对员工产生不利影响的差异. 有了更清晰的了解,雇主就可以解决这些差异,确保机会均等.

·         Train managers. 主管和管理人员可以接受培训,以识别和响应合理住宿的请求,以确保决策不是基于过时的偏见或对心理健康的误解.

·         Train all employees. 意识到心理健康可以帮助人们消除与疾病相关的耻辱感. 开诚布公地谈论心理健康有助于营造包容的工作环境. 培训可以帮助增加同理心和理解,以确保所有员工都感到受到重视, respected and part of the team.


As outlined in the EEOC’s latest SEP, 联邦政府继续打击歧视有精神健康问题的工人的组织. As such, 雇主应持续关注平等就业机会委员会的更新,并审查可能导致歧视索赔的适用工作场所政策和做法. Aside from compliance, 心理健康意识对于营造成功和包容的工作环境至关重要.

这份人力资源见解并非详尽无遗,任何讨论或意见也不应被视为专业建议. © 2023 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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