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近年来,人工智能(AI)越来越受欢迎. 这种技术包括机器, 可以模拟人类智能过程的计算机系统和其他设备. 换句话说, this technology can perform a variety of cognitive functions typically associated with the human mind, 比如观察, 学习, 推理, 与周围环境相互作用, 解决问题和参与创造性活动.

人工智能技术的应用非常广泛, 但其中一些最常见的包括计算机视觉解决方案(例如.g.,无人机),自然语言处理系统(如.g.,聊天机器人),以及预测和规范的分析引擎(如.g.、移动应用程序). 这项技术有可能改变工作场所的许多方面, 特别是在预防和管理职业伤害方面. 结果是, implementing such technology could have a significant impact on organizations’ workers’ compensation programs.

This article provides more information on the ways AI technology can be leveraged to address employee injuries, 加强恢复过程,最大限度地减少工人的总体赔偿费用.


当员工在工作中受伤时,及时治疗是至关重要的. 幸运的是, AI technology can quickly identify when workplace incidents and related injuries occur (e.g., 计算机视觉工具检测到员工滑倒在地板上), 为迅速采取应对措施铺平道路. 具体地说, 这项技术可以帮助组织通过以下方式解决员工受伤问题:

  • 提供快速诊断-当工作场所发生事故时, AI technology is able to utilize advanced imaging and scanning techniques to diagnose employees’ injuries at rapid rates, permitting these workers to get the medical assistance they need and move forward with treatment as soon as possible.
  • 提高评估准确性-除了诊断员工受伤的能力, 人工智能技术具有巨大的数据分析能力. 这意味着它可以轻松分解复杂的医疗信息. 像这样, this technology can generally deliver more in-depth insight regarding employees’ conditions than a human doctor, 从而进行更准确的医疗评估.
  • 制定个性化治疗计划-受伤雇员接受诊断和医疗评估后, 对他们进行适当的治疗是很重要的. AI technology is capable of reviewing employees’ unique medical records and injury characteristics to generate customized treatment plans that cater to their individual needs. 反过来,这加快并提高了恢复结果.


除了帮助组织初步解决员工受伤问题, 人工智能技术在这些工人的康复过程中可以证明是有价值的, equipping them with the resources and support needed to regain their health and resume their positions in a timely manner. 以下是此类技术促进恢复过程的一些方法:

  • 提供实时监控-当与可穿戴设备和传感器配对时(例如.g., smartwatches), AI technology can assess injured employees in real time and monitor their recovery progress, 为医生提供即时反馈,并允许他们做出相应的反应.
  • 根据需要调整治疗计划—Based on injured employees’ recovery progress and medical records from those who have recovered from similar conditions, AI technology can continue to revise individualized treatment plans and deliver researched recommendations on rehabilitation techniques that are most effective for workers’ specific situations.
  • 实施先进的康复解决方案—AI technology can also optimize injured employees’ recovery outcomes by automating certain rehabilitation components. 例如, 从脊髓损伤中恢复的工人可以使用人工智能驱动的外骨骼, 哪些可穿戴机器人设备可以让他们恢复平衡, 协调, 力量——在某些情况下——以更快的速度行走的能力. 另外, employees recovering from amputation injuries can leverage AI-embedded systems to obtain 3D designs for prosthetic parts or receive adaptive tissue and muscle assistance, 从而帮助他们恢复活动能力.


完全, AI technology can help organizations reduce their total workers’ compensation expenses by both preventing and mitigating potential claims. 特别是,该技术可以从以下几个方面降低成本:

  • 调查—AI technology can utilize sophisticated coding capabilities and data analysis strategies to review workers’ compensation claims and conduct in-depth investigations of associated occupational injuries. 从那里, 这种技术可以帮助识别工作场所事故的主要原因, 鉴别索赔的原发诊断, detect possible comorbidities among injured employees and determine treatment-related cost drivers. 基于这些结果, 人工智能技术可以突出事件趋势和伤害模式, offering guidance to help organizations prevent similar claims in the future and make more cost-effective decisions if such claims arise.
  • 选择理想的供应商医疗服务和治疗方案因医疗服务提供者而异. 而理赔人员可能会建议某些医生治疗受伤的员工, 这些提供者可能无法提供最高质量的护理. AI technology relies on historical data and predictive analytics to recommend top-performing providers for injured workers’ particular situations, 让他们得到最好的护理,体验最佳的康复效果. 根据最新行业数据, using AI technology to direct injured employees to high-quality providers can help organizations reduce their workers’ compensation claim costs by up to 45%. 
  • 检测处理异常-仔细研究与工人赔偿索偿有关的治疗记录, 人工智能技术可以识别潜在的异常, such as procedures or medications administered for injuries that don’t usually require these types of services. This can help injured employees avoid unnecessary treatment and protect organizations from incurring additional workers’ compensation expenses associated with such services.
  • 降低索赔复杂性—Industry research shows that as much as 80% of workers’ compensation claims involve minor injuries that don’t require treatment from medical specialists. Yet, some organizations direct injured employees to such specialists for most occupational ailments. AI technology can permit organizations to easily determine whether specialist treatment is necessary, helping them save time and money amid the recovery process and prevent workers’ compensation claims from becoming overly complex.


AI technology could make all the difference in helping organizations improve upon their workers’ compensation programs by promoting greater injury detection and response measures, 先进的恢复方法和具有成本效益的索赔管理协议. 进一步, this technology can give organizations the resources needed to limit employee injuries and put a stop to associated workers’ compensation claims before they even begin.

不过, 人工智能技术的实施成本很高,而且还在不断发展, 有潜在的未知风险. 例如, AI-related liability issues and data privacy exposures have become rising concerns across the employment landscape. 考虑到这一点,组织应该咨询值得信赖的专家(例如.g., legal counsel and insurance professionals) and assess their specific workers’ compensation program needs before adopting AI technology.

This 工作对比 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. ©2023 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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