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A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Realistic Exercise Routine

定期锻炼是你能为自己做的最好的事情之一. It can improve your overall health, help you manage your weight, prevent adverse health outcomes and boost your mental health. 不幸的是,只有四分之一的人得到了足够的锻炼.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

许多成年人把繁忙的日程安排作为不适合定期锻炼的理由. However, 获得足够的锻炼通常可以归结为运动的优先次序和计划的创造性. 这篇文章探讨了一些常见的练习和技巧,让你开始一个现实的日常生活.

Understanding Types of Exercise

The U.S. 美国卫生与公众服务部建议成年人每周至少进行150分钟中等强度的有氧运动,每周进行两次肌肉强化运动. It may seem like a lot at first, but if you break it down, that’s 30 minutes of exercise five times a week.

有很多方法可以移动你的身体,所以知道从哪里开始可能是压倒性的. Here are some common types of exercise:

  • Aerobic有氧运动是任何类型的心血管调节或“有氧运动”,是任何健身计划的关键. 常见的有氧运动包括快走、跑步、跳绳、骑自行车、跳舞和游泳.
  • Bootcamp—Typically time-based, 训练营训练包括有氧和力量训练相结合的高强度循环.
  • Calisthenics这些运动通常不需要健身器材,而是依赖于你的体重. Examples include lunges, squats, pullups, pushups and sit-ups.
  • Flexibility瑜伽和伸展运动都是有助于肌肉恢复的运动, your range of motion and injury prevention.
  • High-intensity interval training—Also known as HIIT, 这种形式包括短时间的高强度和低强度训练的重复.
  • Sports像匹克球、网球、高尔夫球和排球这样的运动是一种有趣的运动方式.
  • Strength training—These exercises aim to increase muscular strength and endurance. 力量训练的例子包括举重和阻力训练.

These activities can be done on their own or may be combined. 归根结底,你要找到最适合自己身体和目标的运动,以及最有趣的运动.

Incorporating Exercise Into Your Regular Routine

你可能已经知道你应该积极锻炼身体,但可能会发现很难开始. 考虑这些建议,开始一个现实的锻炼计划,并坚持下去:

  • Start sensibly. 从短时间的锻炼开始,慢慢增加你的时间和锻炼难度. 如果你做得太多,你可能会感到肌肉酸痛,变得气馁并放弃. For example, rather than trying to run three miles on your first day, 从步行或跑步一英里开始,随着你的健康水平的提高,增加你的距离.
  • Consider a personal trainer. Everyone’s body and goals are different, and a personal trainer can help you create an individualized plan. 这种选择可能需要投资,但好处可能是值得的.
  • Remember to warm up and cool down. 为了防止受伤,在开始锻炼之前让身体热身是很重要的. 同样重要的是,在锻炼结束后留出几分钟的时间让自己冷静下来, helping your body return to its normal state.
  • Listen to your body. 记住,感觉头晕或不舒服是你的身体告诉你工作太辛苦的一种方式. If this happens, take a break or stop your workout for the day. It’s also OK to skip workouts if you aren’t feeling well. 允许自己照顾好自己,并在康复后重新开始.
  • Find the right pace. Exercise should be fairly comfortable for you. Your pace should be just below where you start to breathe quickly. 以这种速度锻炼可以产生两个理想的结果:它可以促进脂肪燃烧,并帮助你培养耐力.
  • Choose a fun workout. Find an activity you enjoy and incorporate it into your routine. 如果你喜欢锻炼,你更有可能坚持下去. 同样的道理也适用于坚持你擅长的锻炼. 如果你对自己的行为有信心,你就更有可能坚持下去.
  • Schedule workouts. 就像安排其他约会一样,把锻炼记在日历上. 如果有事情发生,你不得不改变约会,马上重新安排你的锻炼时间.
  • Move when your energy is the highest. 在你的高峰时间锻炼,你可能会看到最好的效果. Some people also have success working out in the morning, 在一天中出现其他事情之前把它清除掉.
  • Stay hydrated. 保持水分是至关重要的,所以每天都要喝大量的液体.
  • Build exercise into your work routine. If feasible, walk or bike to work. If the distance is not realistic, consider ways to get extra steps in during the day, such as parking your vehicle a distance from the office, 在工作场所爬楼梯,或者午餐时间在附近散步.
  • Take advantage of the weekend. 你可能会觉得你在周末或休息日有更多的空闲时间. Being a weekend warrior is OK; you can fit in 150 minutes of exercise on Saturdays and Sundays. This will still help you prioritize movement, avoid a sedentary lifestyle and stick to a fitness routine. 下一步是考虑如何在本周剩下的时间里保持运动.
  • Exercise with a friend. Companionship can make it more fun, 所以和朋友或爱人一起锻炼可以让锻炼更愉快,或者帮助你坚持锻炼.
  • Break it up. You don’t have to do everything all at once, 多次短时间的锻炼可能更适合你的日程安排. If needed, focus on staying active throughout the day.

当准备好了,把你的计划写在纸上,包括可实现的步骤和目标. You can always build upon it as your fitness endurance improves.

If you don’t have a specific goal, such as running a 5K, holding a plank for 15 seconds or increasing muscle mass, 然后致力于适度的体育活动,并发现如何将其纳入你的日常生活. Before you start working out, 去看医生做一次检查,并讨论一下你是否希望在日常生活中加入更多的锻炼. This visit can also help you develop a plan with realistic goals.

本文仅供参考,不作为医学建议. For further information, please consult a medical professional. © 2022 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved. 


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