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How to Make - and Keep - Your New Year's Resolution

As the new year approaches, you may find yourself reflecting on the past year. This introspection is a significant first step toward selecting a New Year’s resolution to help you grow as a person. 然而, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by mid-February due to a lack of self-discipline, 根据….S. 新闻与世界报道. That’s 为什么 it’s important to set yourself up for success when you’re choosing a resolution.

Regardless of what you choose as your resolution, make sure it’s a “SMART” goal—one that is specific, 可衡量的, 可以实现的, realistic and timely—to increase the odds that you will stick to it. 这是什么意思:

  • 具体的-具体的目标是简单的和战略性的. It’s something you can easily conceptualize. 例如, 而不是说你会吃得更健康, be specific about how you can actually do that (e.g., eat a vegetable at every meal, eat breakfast every day or eat fish twice a week).
  • 可衡量的-可测量的目标是量化的. You’ll be able to see if you’re making progress as you go. 例如, if you want to save $500 for your emergency fund or save for a down payment on a home, you’ll be able to track your savings and prove you’re making progress along the way.
  • 可实现的—An achievable goal is realistic and 可以实现的. 如果你以前从未锻炼过, a daily workout goal won’t likely be feasible or sustainable in the long run. 另外, 如果你已经开始散步了, start with increasing the duration or frequency of them.
  • 有关—A relevant goal needs to make sense or be appropriate to you. 你希望你的目标有意义, so reflect on the past year about what’s working in your life and what’s not. Timing is equally important, so ensure this is the right time for you to tackle the resolution.
  • 及时的—A timely goal is accomplished within a specific time frame. You can adjust this period as needed and make new goals or deadlines after achieving the first one.

Remember that New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be health-related, so find what matters to you to help you live a better life in 2022. 


If you find it harder to keep up with your workouts as the temperatures drop, you’re not alone. Many Americans find it increasingly difficult to remain committed as the holiday blues, shorter days and less-than-ideal weather create obstacles. Whether you’re a gym-goer or outdoor exerciser, there are simple ways to overcome winter obstacles and keep your fitness on track:

  • 记得要热身. If you’re an outdoor exerciser and the weather is colder, try doing your warmup inside. Not only will you raise your internal body temperature before going outside, but you’ll also increase the temperature of your muscles, 哪种方法可以降低受伤的风险.
  • 前一天晚上做好准备. If you’re an early morning exerciser, set out everything you need for the next day the night before. Then, all you need to do when your alarm goes off is get up, get dressed and go to the gym. 
  • 有一个备用计划. Even the most dedicated exercisers can lose their motivation. That’s 为什么 it’s essential to have a backup workout plan that you can do at home. It doesn’t have to be lengthy, as doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

Staying on top of your fitness during winter can be challenging, but keep pushing and think about 为什么 你首先要锻炼身体. 专注于你的理由.


The new year can signal a fresh start for many. 像这样, January is dubbed Get Organized Month as many people are eager to tackle their homes’ organization. Decluttering can do more for your health than you may realize. Consider the following health benefits of being organized:

  • 提高你的能量和效率. A messy area may make you feel confused or scattered. When your space is clutter-free, you can focus more on meaningful activities.
  • 减少压力和焦虑. By eliminating clutter, you’ll feel more in control and able to handle challenges that come your way.
  • 睡得更好. 当你跟得上组织的时候, you can rest easy at night knowing that everything is cleaned up and in its place.
  • 吃的更健康. Not only does snack and food organization reduce clutter, but it can also he­­lp you easily grab healthy options and control portions.

This month is a great time to get organized and set yourself up for a clutter-free year to feel more balanced.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be exhaustive, nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. Readers should contact a health professional for appropriate advice. ©2021 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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